Are you worried your insurance company will try to take advantage of you? Insurance companies are ultimately businesses that want to make as much profit as possible, so they may try to minimize your claim and pay you as little as possible. If the insurance adjuster’s evaluation seems suspiciously low, you can turn to Assurance Claims Service Co. Our public adjuster helps homeowners like yourself in and around Mesquite, TX.
An Expert on Your Side
The insurance policies and rules that govern insurance companies here in Texas can be difficult to understand. However, the professionals at Assurance Claims Service Co. have decades of experience working thousands of insurance claims over the years. We understand how the insurance companies often work to take advantage of uninformed insured’s to pay less. With our knowledge on your side, you’re more likely to get the maximum amount that your policy allows.
An Honest and Dedicated Team
Our team is truly on your side and will fight to get you the money you deserve. If you’re not sure whether or not you need a public adjuster, schedule a free claim review and consultation with one of our experts. We’ll take a look at your circumstances and determine what course of action is best for your claim.
Call us at (469) 323-5365 to schedule an appointment in Mesquite, TX.