When you file a claim with your insurance company, you rely on their adjuster to determine your damage amount. The insurance adjuster is restricted by the insurance company guidelines and has a fiduciary responsibility to protect the insurance company’s interest. As public adjusters representing you, with decades of experience, we have a fiduciary responsibility to you. That’s why Assurance Claims Service Co public adjusters are your best choice when you need help with your insurance claim.
Assurance Claims Service Co. offers public adjusting claims assistance in Plano, TX.
Why Hire Us?
Our company is dedicated to helping you with your claims. We have decades of experience in construction and insurance, which means we have the expertise to:
- Evaluate damage: The first step to getting the amount you need is to know how much you need. We inspect the damage and prepare a detailed estimate of how much it will cost to repair.
- Negotiate: Rather than simply take what the insurance company offers, you can rely on us to negotiate for the best outcome we can possibly obtain.
Where an insurance company looks out for themselves, Assurance Claims Service Co public adjusters look out for you.
Get in touch with us today at (469) 323-5365 to talk about your insurance claim in Plano, TX. You can rest assured with Assurance Claims Service Co assisting you with your claim.